Archangel Metatron via Tyberonn
Part 2 of a 3 Part Channel
mai 2018
The Law of One in France
Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Angelic of Light!
I am joined in this session, by Tyberonn of Crystalline Serve. We once and always greet you warmly and lovingly in this eternal Moment of Now. Indeed, we sense each of you individually, personally at the specific time in which your eyes read these words.
I am joined in this session, by Tyberonn of Crystalline Serve. We once and always greet you warmly and lovingly in this eternal Moment of Now. Indeed, we sense each of you individually, personally at the specific time in which your eyes read these words.
And so, we continue with the second installment of 'The Law of One' in France'.
Dear Humans, mankind's conceptual ideas of both history & time, differ from the true nature of reality. Therefore, mankind's current mono-dimensional concepts of human history, are of course, understandably quite different from our higher aspectual overview. We see the 'Omni-Earth' with all parallels & probable realities.
There are oscillations, cyclic waves of energy, and (soul-group) collective waves of what may be termed as reincarnational patterns. There have been multiple genesis creation-points, myriad Stone Ages on your planet, where new entities, new 'waves' began their initial experiences, their 'first' experience with physical existence. Each changed the face of the earth as they progressed, each unique, each in multi-faceted dynamic flow....wheels within wheels as the kaleidoscopic torus, consumes itself & is reborn in arrhythmic fractal waves.
So as we stated in part one of this channel, the Law of One entered Europe, incarnated in great numbers with the Renaissance. There was a concentrated influx into France specifically to be present during the reigns of Louis 13th and Louis 14th. This covered a span of 6 generations, some 120 years. (This is a separate group incarnation and time period from an earlier and smaller influx 'reincarnational wave' as the Cathars in France, some five centuries earlier.)
As an interesting note, for the purposes of this channel, we wish to project the understanding that 'Soul Groups', are subdivided into ' soul-family' divisions, and further branched into specialized 'guilds'. The Law of One of France, were of a specialized guild, a purposed group on mission.
At your first entry into the Earthplane, you were not 'human', in that you did not 'reside' in biology, you did not possess a physical body. You were not 'in-flesh' upon earth. You were literally 'Star-Children', Beings of Light, of Divine Essence. You belonged to a Soul-Group of Angelic quintessence, deistic intelligence, purposed to pave the way for a new adventure in the cosmos. You entered a non-polarity realm of the 'Omni-Earthplane' approximately 10 million years ago. But as nonphysical beings, you were outside of 'linear space-time'. You did not fully dwell in physical bodies until the earthplane transition from nonpolarity to 'Duality'.
Humanity, did not format into gendered physical bodies, until approximately 110,000 years ago, in Atlantis.
It has been said that humans are a species with amnesia, and this is quite accurate in present application. In the sad demise of Atlantis the human populace was vastly reduced in numbers as a result of the great floods that occurred in the rapid melting of the ice sheets, the quaking of the earth and the resulting massive tsunamis some 12,500 years ago. The masses that once knew arts, sciences; liberties of expressive pursuit became engrossed in the devolution of basic survival, as the filters of the conscious mind over time removed from frontal brain the memory all that passed before, as the body physical densified, in the dark wake of Atlantis.
The highly technical civilization of Atlantis, its grand cities and knowledge disappeared beneath the waters into the unfathomable silts and sands of time. And while isolated pockets of high civilization persisted for a time, humanity in large, devolved and began anew, starting from scratch as it were. And survival of the species gained a requisite dominance within the alert 'beta' focus ...necessary for existence; sustenance in a newly primordial & challenging environ.
Kings ruled kingdoms, dictators rose and fell as humanity fell deeply in the density of enduring perpetuation and primal subsistence. But conditions gradually improved in the slow dance of linear time, Avatars came from other realms to teach. Ascended masters incarnated as the wheels of consciousness slowly began to awaken.
Yet thru this post-diluvian devolution, despite the obstacles of the fall, you were still deeply seated in the 'University of Earth', curriculum. And in the duality realm, you were (and are) missioned to learn that you create your own reality by your inner state of consciousness.
Although, this is something you all will, and are, gradually coming to understand in the course of your complex spiritual became clear that without assistance the masses would remain trapped in unconsciousness. Humans in survival phases weregreatly confused and materially distracted on earth by an external material world that did not seem to be intently created by your own mental consciousness. On the contrary, you seemed to be the product of that external reality rather than its creator. For your survival needs were, for millennia, in the wake of Atlantis, truly tantamount, requiring full attentive focus on food & shelter.
And the Earthplane, at the advent of bi-polarity, became a realm of opposites. Opposites occurring in order to facilitate free will. Opposing 'fields' occurring in the Trinity of Mind, Spirit & Body ... mentally, spiritually; physically.
So we tell you that in the 'purposed' illusion of the earthplane, your collective higher selves, as 'Gods in Progress', created intrusions in your difficult paths in linear space-time , to assist in forward advancement , to somewhat insure progress.
And keep in mind, you are a spark of the Divine. Accepting this axiom as a given, it should not seem illogical or far-fetched for you humans' to accept that there is a pattern, a design and a designer. And that they are so combined, within and without, that it is quite impossible to separate them. What we are saying is that the 'All That Is, the Creator-God is also within its creations and the creations themselves are gifted with the divine attribute of creativity. For indeed you are apectually, both the dream ... and the dreamer. Take a moment to closely consider this great and powerful truth!
Indeed this postulated axiom has a robust scientific validity. In quantum physics, it is a process of expanding your collective; individual light quotien; frequencial vibration ... to enable upshift; facilitate your conscious movement into higher realms, into angelic dimensions of the nonphysical, which all humans do every night in sleep state; lucid dreams.
It is important for you to awaken, and understand that you are multi-dimensional beings, powerful divine spiritual beings completing a Great Cycle, a dawning phase of astonishing upshift.
So it follows, to progress the concept further, that in your earth-plane, you have created points of 'energetic -flux ', points of 'guided' refinement in the linear pattern.
Every environment you experience, can be said in a manner of speaking, to be 'artificially' created, that must be understood. And you in group-collective oversoul consciousness, have inserted what can be considered as 'holographic' inserts, at key points in your time lines, to adhere to, align to your graduation, the 'Human Ascension'. Part of that process involves 'changing the past'....influencing manifold events.
There are specialized guilds, who design & work such inserts. For as we have shared, on the earth a special experiment in free-will & bipolarity takes place. When you are here in physical form, a veil is put over you so that you do not recognize your own divine creative power. It remains there until you awaken and see that you are God at the core of your being.
Your multidimensional reality on the Omni-Earth, is teeming with probability, potentials for 3d manifest reality...and in the realm of free-will oft the path becomes obscure. Such inserts...especially when the masses are in primal beta mental state, sustenance survival mode ... and only in small enclaves does higher wisdom & theta consciousness survive.
And indeed, except for light inserted in special phases and, the post flood era was one of low vibration among the masses.
And so it is that your Cristos Dramas, were powerful inserts, involving the return of highly evolved souls, Avatars of Divine energy, offering a 'living infinity- point' to upshift energy and provide the experiential opportunity of shift.
There were also intervention inserts, at certain key points of juxtaposed polarized probabilities. You see, realities in the path of humanity in the 'Curriculum of Duality' can be influenced, in overview, in many ways. One of these involves the mass incarnation of soul-guilds, a missioned-purposed influx into specific locales & time vectors.
Being a human, an earthen sojourning student in the University oi Duality, means to be a bridge between widely varying dimensions & realms of consciousness. In the forging of that bridge lies the keys for unlocking an expansion of consciousness into the higher realms, the angelic aspect.
And in times of great density, especially considering humans wear sensory veils in 3d material bodies, inserts and interventions can and do occur. But these are co-created above linear time; space, by the collective of higher human mind ! And whether unconsciously or consciously, you are a robust player in the workings of the higher mind collective; universal consciousness.
In 3d the unconscious may seem to be trapped helplessly in a matrix, but their higher consciousness in collective plurality aspect is absolutely on board, influencing the awakening into consciousness. And Masters, once conscious you are co-creators, you are truly no longer a captive of the imaginary matrix. In fact the seeming entrapping matrix serves, as do all obstacles, as stepping stone opportunities.
And even as you learn that thoughts are creative, and mind is the builder, you are still encompassed by the dimensional mirror of actions, reflection of duality choices, of what is termed in your curriculum as right and wrong.
In this sense the experiential 'purposed illusion' of the Duality curriculum, is designed for learning, for development. And although the earth lessoning experience requisitely occurs in a free-will bi-polar reality, manifest reactions to actions, are for growth, not for any sense of punishment. For learning!
We have stated that the highly improbable devastation of the Spanish Armada, (carrying in the bellies of the vast naval Armada ships, the Inquisition, funded; backed by the Habsburg dynasty of Austria, and a well-equipped army of over 30,000 men, with thrice that number in reserve in Europe) was such an intervention.
Likewise the fact that Nazi Germany did not develop the atomic super-weapon was another intervention. With the superior engineering & physicist minds available in Nazi Germany, the brainpower was available, but mysteriously was unutilized, misdirected. Blocked !
In both circumstances the 3d probability was vastly against the reality which actually stands in defiance of all odds in the annals of your 'linear' historic records.
Now, we will close this second installment on this most interesting topic. In the third and final part of this channel, we will discuss in greater detail the characters; time span of the personage in the French Court of Louis 13th and Louis 14th. As well as the two interesting monarchs. Indeed there were many members of the soul guild that were involved in the 'mission'. To block the forces of 'Belial', for this was a highly critical time. The outcome would not only determine the initial establishment of the Americas, but also the path of the coming Ascension.
The Edgar Cayce archives reveal a flurry of people had life readings from this era of France, during lives in 20th century. Including royals & the Sun King. It is interesting to note the unusual circumstances, visions and birth around & of Louis 14th. Indeed there were key placements of the Law of One guild on both sides of the conflict of Belial vs Law of One. Both the mother and wife of the Sun-King, Louis 14th were from the Spanish Habsburg courts.
It is also quite interesting that the Dolphin was not only the heir name (Dauphin) given to Louis the God Given, but also the totem on the shield of the House of Bourbon....and the title was exclusively for the eldest son or direct heir to ascend the throne.
On 5 September 1638, Anne of Austria gave birth to her first child. News was taken to Louis XIII who fell to his knees to thank God for giving him his envisioned; long-hoped-for 'golden' heir. Since the pregnancy was announced, countless public prayers had been offered in ritualistic ceremony in Notre Dame, Chartres, Mount St Michele and others, as the people waited impatiently for the royal couple to give France its Dauphin, heir to the throne, finally after twenty-three years of marriage and many devastating miscarriages.
The 5th pregnancy brought the birth of the child, known as Louis-Dieudonné (Louis the God-Given), is already considered by some to be a miracle. Many saw it as proof that the Heavens divinely support the policy conducted by the King and his 1st Minister, Cardinal Richelieu.
The Mother of Louis 14th was Anne of Austria, a Spanish princess of the House of Habsburg, was queen of France as the wife of Louis XIII, sister of the King of Spain, and regent of France during the minority of her son, Louis XIV, from 1643 to 1651. During her regency, Cardinal Mazarin served as France's minister. The wife of Louis 14th, interesting was of the House of Habsburg Spanish Royal Court, Maria Theresa of Spain .and Archduchess of Austria as member of the Spanish branch of the House of Habsburg and by marriage Queen of France.
We will also discuss briefly the intents, accomplishments (recognized & unrecognized), and purpose of the Law in One coagulation in the France's 'Golden Era '....and its impact to the present. It was a fascinating era, and played key role in the advancement of humanity in ways that are not oft considered, nor truly understood.
I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we share with you these Truth...You Are Beloved !
And So It Is...